Gabriel's Mission
The Mission of Gabriel's Story is to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to children throughout the world.  The initial printing of Gabriel's Story is in the English language.  Of the 101 different languages throughout the world, it is our Mission to have the book translated into 17 of them.

Currently, Gabriel's Story Publishing, Inc. is also considering printing books in two different languages under the same cover.  For example: English/Spanish or English/Chinese. In addition to presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ, this would provide an educational experience for the reader. 

Indeed, Gabriel's Story is a book that can be enjoyed by all ages; that includes the precious heart of the toddlers.  Therefore, Gabriel's Mission will also include printing a cardboard mini version of the story. 

Gabriel's Mission for Children
The Gabriel's Mission fund is being established specifically for children.  This fund is making books accessible to special children in homeless shelters, hospitals, programs for children of domestic violence, and orphanages, first in the United States,
 then throughout the world.  

  Gabriel's Story Gospel Tracts
   are coming soon!
Thank you for joining with us
to bring the children to
 Jesus Christ
     Gabriel's Story Publishing, Inc.

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