The decision that changed Gabriel's life and opened up his eyes was based on some of these very important facts:
Our Creator's Holy nature is revealed to every heart; scripture explains that God has written His Law on every heart. (Romans 2:15) He has given a conscience to each and everyone of us. Our conscience is our God given knowledge of right and wrong. Therefore we know the moral Lawgiver and Judge, making us without excuse. The fact that God made us to know right from wrong should reveal something to us about God's character and Holy nature: He is Just. The conscience tells us there is someone to whom we are accountable. He is our Creator and the conscience tells us we have not lived up to His standards.
Can you remember a time when your conscience screamed at you, telling you, "don't do that" or "you shouldn't have done that?" If you can remember that, do you think our Creator can? It took a God of personal love and concern, but unbending justice to create a conscience, allowing us to experience Him through it. Each one of us have to face the Almighty Judge. If God were to judge you based on the 10 Commandments, His Holy Standard, how would you do?
Have you ever told a lie, even once? Have you ever stolen anything, taken something and didn't return it, or cheated? Is God first in your life above everything else? These are just a few of the 10 Commandments.
Our conscience tells us we have sinned and we need to repent. Our conscience tells us we need a Savior.
Throughout the Bible we see that all sin is first and foremost against God. When King David confessed his sin to God he said "Against You, You only, have sinned, and done this evil in Your sight." (Psalm 51:4) When Pontiphar's wife tempted Joseph to lie with her, Joseph refused and said "How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?" (Gensis 39:9) And when the prodigal son came to his senses and returned to his father he said "Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight."
Jesus explained that the first and greatest commandment is to "love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength." (Mark 12:30) The first four of the Ten Commandments have to do with our relationship with God. All sin is ultimately against our holy Creator. Therefore, only vertical repentance saves. We are all guilty of breaking the first commandment because we have not always placed God first in our lives. We're all guilty of violating the third commandment because we have sometimes used His name lightly: as a common word, or in disgust. Idolatry and blasphemy offend and anger God. Therefore we desperately need to seek God's forgiveness first. Many unbelievers may have remorse for their sins committed against another, but God's Word explains that it is "Godly sorrow [that] produces repentance leading to salvation." (2 Corinthians 7:10) Therefore, only vertical repentance saves.
God gave us the law to show that all sin is against God and then make it clear that the Savior has warned "unless you repent you will...perish." (Luke 13:3) The word repent literally means to change your mind; think differently; reconsider; turn back. Therefore repentance and saving faith go hand-in-hand. Saving faith is more than just a mental acknowledgement. It involves turning from trusting in our own way and trusting in God's provision. Paul proclaimed "repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ" (Acts 20:21) It is only when a man turns from his sinful ways toward God and places his trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ, is he saved. We must confess and turn away from our sin and put our complete trust in Jesus Christ as one who is getting ready to jump out of a plane at 25,000 would have to trust a parachute to save their life.
Whether or not you accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior is the most important decision you will ever make. In fact, it's the one decision you will spend eternity thinking about.
So we would not be separated from Him, our Creator, God, the Father prepared His Son, Jesus Christ to take the punishment for our sins. Jesus took all of our sins on Himself and the wrath of God was poured out on the sin that justice would be served: the demands of the law would be met.
Jesus Christ paid the price for you by the shedding of His own Blood, so that you could be declared "not guilty" on Judgement Day. The cross truly represented the highest expression of man's hatred toward's God, but it also represents the greatest expression of God's Love toward man.
Jesus Christ took the punishment for each and every one that will call upon Him and put their trust completely in Him alone. This is salvation: to be delivered from the power and the effect of Satan's kingdom (death), in the world and in our spirit. Once a person accepts Jesus Christ into their heart as their Savior and LORD, a beautiful thing happens in the spirit: a baby is born. Your spirit that was dead because of Adam's sin becomes alive: born again. You become a joint-heir with Jesus Christ, and have the privilege of being a child of God. Satan does not have claim to you anymore.
The person who is born in the spirit will also need the milk of the Word to survive, just like a baby in the physical needs milk. Then as the baby grows, the meat of the Word begins to be desired and revealed. The baby needs a relationship with the parent; prayer and communion with The LORD throughout the day. The relationship becomes stronger through The Word and Prayer. The child of God becomes stronger and able to discern what The LORD is saying to Him, because his spirit that is alive is joined to Him and they that are joined to The LORD are one spirit. More and more the child of God becomes the image of Jesus Christ and Greater works will the child do, because of the sacrifice of Jesus which made us the Righteousness of God, in Christ. A child of God was created for this end: in Christ Jesus unto good works, for it is God who works in us to will and to do of His Good Pleasure.
A heart not fully surrendered to give its all will not be capable of receiving the Fullness of God: by becoming one with Him in Christ. (John 17:21-22)The value we place on Jesus Christ and the gift of salvation is determined by how much we are willing to give for Him. If He is not LORD of all, He is not LORD at all.
To die without Christ as The LORD of your life; is to reject Him. The spirit that was dead because of Adam's sin, not spiritually re-born -is still dead. When that person draws their last breath, their spirit will be claimed by their master, satan. Ruler of darkness, death and destruction. He will have his just due to the slaves to sin. The wages of sin is death, but Jesus Christ paid the price for you to buy you off the auction block of slavery to sin.
60 seconds after your last heartbeat, where will you be?
Isaiah 55:6; John 3:36; Acts 19:30; 1 Corinthians 6:20 Ephesians 2:8-10 Romans 5:8, Romans 10:13 Revelation 3:20
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